
How to Fix d3dx9_38 dll Errors Manually?

What is d3dx9_38 dll? If you are getting d3dx9_38 dll errors on your PC, you would find it is really hard to fix this dll errors. This post is going to show you what the d3dx9_38 dll is and how to fix d3dx9_38 dll errors manually. If you start seeing error messages that reference a missing or damaged version of d3dx9_31.dll, or if your graphics-heavy programs start experiencing sudden performance issues, you may need to install a fresh version of this file.

How to Fix d3dx9_38 dll
·  1
Launch your Web browser and navigate to a page where you can download d3dx9_31.dll for free. You can find a link to one of these download locations in the Resources section.
·  2
Click the download link and follow the on-screen prompts to save the file to your computer.
·  Open the file by double-clicking it. The file will open in Winzip, WinRAR or whichever program our computer uses to open .zip files. When the file opens, click "Unzip" or "Extract" to extract the file. When the program asks you where you want to extract the file, select your computer's desktop. d3dx9_38 dll should appear on your desktop.
·  3
Double-click the "My Computer" icon, then double-click the "C:" drive. Navigate through the folders to the Windows system folder. This folder is "C:\Windows\System32" in Windows XP and Vista for 32-bit systems, "C:\Windows\SysWOW64" in Windows XP and Vista for 64-bit systems, "C:\WINNT\System32" in Windows 2000 and NT, and "C:\Windows\System" in Windows ME, 95 and 98.
·  4
Find the d3dx9_38 dll file you extracted onto your desktop and drag it into the system folder. You may see a message from Windows asking you if you'd like to replace the existing file with the new one. If you see this, it means that an older version of the file, which may be corrupted, is already in the folder. Click the "Yes" button to overwrite the old file.

At last, reboot your computer and you will find the d3dx9_38 dll has been removal. 

Are you getting other PC errors like Blue Screen of Death Error?  Please Visit this blog to get more info.

1 条评论:

  1. Wow Nice blog its so informative blog go through this site How To Remove Rundll Error and get a proper solution of rundll error .
    Thank you
    Aalia lyon
