
How Fix Explorer.exe

Explorer.exe Application Error is one of the most common computer errors. Computer users often get this error message when starting up computers or when running a program. Once Explorer.exe error occurs, programs will shut off automatically and even computer will restart automatically.

Error Message
"The instruction at 0x0201415b" referenced memory at "0x00000000". The memory could not be "written".
You might have seen error messages like the above when you start your computer or open applications. It indicates that the.exe file is missing or corrupt.
We strongly suggest that you run a quick exe error scan for your PC to check for exe errors.
There are many causes of Explorer.exe errors. You should not run too many programs at the same time, which will probably lead to Explorer.exe error. Besides incompatibility, below are the most common causes. Learn how to fix it now. 
1. Incompatible application is the basic cause of application error. You can check out which program cause the error. Sometime, uninstall and then download the latest version can solve the problem. 
2. Registry error. New registry entries will be creates whenever you download a program. Most computer users do not clean their registry regularly, though they will delete seldom-used programs. But corresponding registry entries may remain on your computer even when you remove the programs. 
3. Virus infection will also cause Explorer.exe error. When you open Task Manage by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del at the same time. You can always check Explorer.exe process under Processes Tab. If it occupies large CPU, it is likely to be a virus. Tough virus will cover themselves under the name of Explorer.exe. Common virus will only infect Explorer.exe in order to infect more files.

If you try to fix Explorer.exe error message, you can visit here to fix Explorer.exe immediately. 

