
How to Fix Csrss.exe

Csrss.exe is a windows product and has been written by Microsoft. Termination of this program is not recommended since it is necessary for secure and stable running of the computer and should therefore run throughout.

Usually, a user will find out that their csrss.exe file is corrupted when they right click on it and tries to do something and nothing happens. Basically, the problem is that the computer cannot recognize or process the file because it's either corrupted or damaged. This will create problems for the system specifically because the error can affect the speed and processing of the computer. More importantly, it's important to take note that the damaged setting or file usually results from a corrupted registry file. The system fails to recognize the file because it has missing components. It's best to address this problem urgently to avoid further complications.

You may encounter error on your system screen as follows:

  • "csrss.exe application cannot be run in Win32 mode."

It generally occurs when you use different version of this file on your system. If it is found in other than one entry then it means your system is likely infected with virus, spyware, or Trojan. Viruses and other malware after getting into system begin to make use of system resources gratuitously.

The csrss.exe file is supposed to be the Microsoft Client Server Runtime Server subsystem which is usually applied by Windows to handle almost all of the graphical instruction sets. This characteristic means that csrss.exe a significant part of your Windows computer, and terminating this process can result in a stop error, usually called Blue Screen of Death or BSOD error.
On the other hand, quite a few computer virus vendors seek to implement names just like the pre-existing files to get your pc attacked. It is important to understand that a lot of spyware, adware or viruses might be found in names which can be nearly the same as csrss.exe.

Common Problems Encountered related to Csrss.exe

  1. Csrss.exe uses 100% of the CPU When you Right-Click an item in Windows Explorer or on the desktop
  2. Your anti-virus is claiming that the file csrss.exe (which is needed and cannot be terminated in Task Manager) is the cause of a malware infection or problem.

Solution to these aforementioned frequently occurring problems

  1. Before continuing, make sure you have backed up the contents of your My Documents folder, and any other important data stored in your profile such as application settings. Once your profile is deleted, you will not be able to recover data stored inside of it. In order to delete your profile, you must be logged in with an account which has administrative privileges which is also not yours. Once you are logged in, open the user profiles list. To locate the list of local user profiles, right-click My Computer, click Properties, and then on the Advanced tab, click Settings under User Profile. Select your profile from the list, and then click Delete. Logoff, and then log back on as yourself. A new profile will be created when you log on.
  2. Locate the file Csrss.exe by going to Start -> Search and figure out if it is a Windows operating file by looking in the WindowsSystem32 and WindowsServicePackFilesi386 directories. The date stamps or last modified tag should be identical else if not, one of the csrss.exe files may be infected. Also check in your Startup folder. Csrss.exe should not appear there as it is supposed to be launched automatically during boot time by the kernel not by the startup folder. If it appears in the Startup folder, it should be removed. Delete the file once you have found it and decided if it is indeed a problem file. Csrss.exe can be a legitimate file and should not be removed just because you think it's harmful. Deleting the good one can cause the Blue Screen of Death. Use a little detective work to uncover the problem and clean up your computer junk files. CSRSS is definitely not a junk file so make caution when dealing with it.

Problems 1 & 2 are separate problems, as are their Solutions 1 & 2 are not related together. The solution to problem 1 is solution 1, and the solution to problem 2 is solution 2.

